Wednesday, February 4, 2015

By Day and Night

 I walk with Him, Who walks with me
In darkness and in light
And is companion to my trials
And savior to my frights;
He never leaves me to the fates
That come of life's despairs
And never lets me bear, alone,
The burdens I must bear.

No matter which of paths I trod -
Or where I chance to be -
He walks along, to share my fates,
And watches over me;
And - when I stumble, fall or cry,
Or dread some fretful way -
He's always near, to dry my tears
And comfort my dismay.

By day and night, He walks with me
And never curbs my wills;
And every joy, that tempts my heart,
He grants me to fulfill\
But - when I do some wrongful deed
That taints my soul with sin -
He pricks my conscience, with a twinge,
To make amends with Him.

And so we walk, alone and one,
My Gracious Lord and me -
A silent Spirit, by my side,
I never hear to see -
But I'm aware that He is there,
And sees the deeds I do,
And will be judge of everyone -
When life, on earth, is through.

~ Michael Dubina

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