Sunday, September 6, 2015

Shed a Little Light Upon the Path

 Too many words are left unspoken.
Too many feelings seldom shared.
Too many hearts are left there, broken.
Too few told of God's great care.
Spread a little cheer today, my dear.
Shed a little light upon the path.
Cast a little joy about the earth -
Without unhappiness and wrath!
Share the gift of love God's given
That's bestowed on us from above!
Share the story of redemption -
And watch God's peace descending like a dove!
~ Verle Elizabeth Davis


  1. This poem was written by my mother Verle Elizabeth Davis. She passed away 23 years ago this month. I googled her name to see what might pop up. She would have loved that you posted this. May God bless you and your readers.
    Carol Sindorf

    1. Thank you so much for your message, Carol. I am sure your Mom was an amazing woman; her poem is a very beautiful one too. I am glad that I included it here, as it also gave honor to your Mom and her family as well. God bless you too. Hope you can drop by my blog porch again. :)
