Friday, August 19, 2016

Christmas Cards

When the holidays are over,
And I have some time to spare,
I gather all the Christmas cards
And find an easy chair.
I pull up closer to the fire,
Take time to reminisce,
I read again each line and verse,
Lest something I might miss.

I try to pick the prettiest,
But I can't decide.
The ones I think of longest
Contain messages inside.
There between the pages
Is a special bit of news
About the crops or weather,
Or when the baby's due.

"I can't explain the way I feel,"
Says a friend as pure as gold.
But the simple words, "We love you,"
Make our blessings manifold.
The postman living here receives
A special one of beauty,
"Thanks for all the little things,"
Beyond his call of duty.

Oh, yes! The ones with pictures
We cherish most of all;
It's amazing how the children
Have grown to be so tall.
We sign cards with our heartstrings
And send them out to share
Our love and hopes for "Peace on Earth"
To people everywhere.

~ Louise Dale Nelson

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