Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Full Day With God

Fill my days with sunshine bright,
With flowers in wondrous array -
Each in its own colorful hue
And all in a fragrant bouquet!
Fill my hours with moonlit skies,
With stars and the Milky Way -
With a peaceful sleep and rested mind
To help me greet the new day.
Fill my hours within each day
With joy and praise to Thee
For each and every blessing sent
From You, dear Lord, to me.
And may I use each minute, each second,
Throughout the entire day
To share Thy love and peace with those
I meet along the way!

~ Mary Chevalier

Guide me in Your truth and teach
me, for You are God my Savior. For
You I wait all the long day, because
of Your goodness, Lord.
Psalm 25:5

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