Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle went to town 
Riding on a pony, 
Stuck a feather in his cap 
And called it macaroni. 


Yankee Doodle keep it up, 
Yankee Doodle dandy, 
Mind the music and the step, 
And with the girls be handy. 

Father and I went down to camp, 
Along with Captain Gooding, 
And there we saw the men and boys 
As thick as hasty pudding.

And there we saw a thousand men
As rich as Squire David,
And what they wasted every day,
I wish it could be saved.

The 'lasses they eat every day,
Would keep a house a winter;
They have so much, that I'll be bound,
They eat it when they've a mind to.

And there I see a swamping gun
Large as a log of maple,
Upon a deuced little cart,
A load for father's cattle.

And every time they shoot it off,
It takes a horn of powder,
And makes a noise like father's gun,
Only a nation louder.

~ Anonymous

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