Friday, March 24, 2017

And As In Childhood

And as in childhood, so throughout our lives -
the mother is the very core, cornerstone, and
foundation upon which the true Christian home is
built and the center about which it revolves.
Through all the years of our lives, we will carry
with us those lessons of patience and fortitude; of
long-suffering and forgiveness; of love and affec-
tion that the typical Christian mother by her
word and act, by her precept and example, teaches
her children. Just consider for a moment the dig-
nity and tenderness and grandeur of this wonder-
ful thing called mother-love. This is why the
philosophers have said that the future of society
and of the human race itself rests in large measure
on the strength and character, virtue and nobility
of the mothers of the world.

~ Joseph T. Karcher

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