Monday, July 29, 2024

I Had A Dream About You

“I had a dream about you last night. 
The champagne was non-alcoholic. 
You didn't notice, and laughed at my jokes anyway.”

~ Michael Summers, I Had a Dream About You

Monday, July 22, 2024


“Basically, all women are nurturers and healers, 
and all men are mental patients to varying degrees.”

~ Nelson DeMille, The General's Daughter

Monday, July 15, 2024

To Be Deeply Loved

“To be deeply loved, 
means a willingness to cut yourself wide open, 
exposing your vulnerabilities... 
hopes, hurts, fears and flaws. 
Hiding behind the highlight reel of who you are, 
is the real you and that person is just as worthy of love. 
There is nothing more terrifying or fulfilling, 
than complete love, it's worth the risk... 
reach for it.”

~ Jaeda DeWalt

Monday, July 8, 2024


Get you an honest Man for a Husband, 
and keep him honest. 
No matter whether he is rich, 
provided he is independent. 
Regard the Honour and moral Character of the Man 
more than all other Circumstances. 
Think of no other Greatness but that of the soul, 
no other Riches but those of the Heart. 
An honest, Sensible humane Man, 
above all the Littlenesses of Vanity, 
and Extravagances of Imagination, 
laboring to do good rather than be rich, 
to be useful rather than make a show, 
living in a modest Simplicity 
clearly within his Means and free from Debts or Obligations, 
is really the most respectable Man in Society, 
makes himself and all about him the most happy.”

~ John Adams, Letters of John Adams, Addressed to His Wife

Monday, July 1, 2024

Women Writers

“Women writers make for rewarding (and efficient) lovers. 
They are clever liars to fathers and husbands; 
yet they never hold their tongues too long, 
nor keep ardent typing fingers still.”

~ Roman Payne, Rooftop Soliloquy